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What is Purple?

In today’s ever-evolving educational landscape, data-driven decision-making is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. Schools require tools that empower educators, leadership teams and administrators to analyse data effectively, identify trends, and drive positive change. Enter Purple, a powerful and innovative platform designed to revolutionise school data analytics.​


At its core, Purple serves as a behaviour and attendance analysis platform. By meticulously tracking student behaviour and attendance, you can proactively address issues before they escalate. Whether it’s identifying patterns of absenteeism or tackling behavioural challenges head-on, we offer actionable insights in a simple, visually intuitive manner.

Purple Dashboard

What can Purple do for your school?

Purple isn’t just another data platform; it’s a modern solution that simplifies the complex world of educational data. Consider these features:


Comprehensive Data Trends

With Purple, you can explore whole-school data trends effortlessly. Whether it’s attendance rates, behaviour patterns, or group tracking, the platform provides a holistic view.

Multilingual Functionality

Customisable Dashboards


Schools can create personalised views with adjustable time filters across all dashboards. Whether you’re interested in the school trends overview, tracking specific groups, or diving into an individual student’s profile, Purple allows flexible filtering to meet your needs.

Advanced Tech

User-Friendly Interface


The visually appealing interface makes data exploration intuitive. No more drowning in spreadsheets—Purple presents information in a format that’s easy to understand and interpret.




Unlocking Potential

When schools embrace data analytics, they open doors to the untapped potential within each student. No student slips through the cracks; every learner’s journey is guided by insights.

Preventing Serious Issues

School suspensions in England are on track to reach the highest number ever recorded in a single year. To address this issue, effective behaviour tracking programmes, like Purple, play a crucial role in identifying and analysing students’ behaviour patterns. By monitoring both positive and negative behaviours, educators can intervene early and prevent issues from escalating into serious problems.

Purple isn’t just a platform; it’s a catalyst for positive change in education.


By embracing data analytics, you can create a brighter future for your students—one where every decision is backed by evidence and every child’s potential is realised.

Why Purple?

Behaviour Monitor

Raw Data Analytics

Benchmarked Impact Data

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Our innovative approach to data analysis ensures fair comparisons within the school community. For example, when a student is absent for a day, our system dynamically adjusts the benchmarks, providing accurate insights and equitable assessments, as well as benchmarking against the rest of the year group.

School Trends

Whole School Insights

Improved Student Performance

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Utilising the analysis provided by Purple, it becomes possible to focus on the students who require the most support. When a student exhibits improved behaviour and increased attendance, their performance shows enhancement across the board: academically, socially, and emotionally.

Behavioural Impact

Cohort & Group Insights

Low Cost,
High Impact

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Unlike expensive data analytics solutions, Purple delivers results without breaking the bank. Schools can allocate resources wisely while reaping the benefits of informed decision-making. Despite its affordability, Purple delivers high returns. It’s not about spending less; it’s about achieving more.

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